Sunday, 22 November 2009

Whizzing weekend

Another weekend is coming to an end. What productive things have I done? Hmm well, Saturday's i'm at Delta Radio, where I'm a Production Assistant on the sports show. I write scripts, keeps me writing, I get to read a couple scripts live on air in the course of the show.

I love that, not that I like hearing my voice what-so-ever, but just being able to read what I have writtern, with a seal of approval from the producer (it must be good, decent for airwaves). Makes me feel I have achieved something.

I was also really pleased that a TV nostalgia article i wrote got into the local paper (Portsmouth News) last week. It was only a small column, but an achievement non the less. For an assignment, we were given a past newswriting exam to do. A time exercise. I got the results back in the week, to my surprise I passed. 55%, just a pass, but when I was expecting not to do so well, it did come as a shock. I realise my mistakes now, so a massive improvement is needed to get a decent grade B at least.

I have books on writing that I borrowed from the library, couple weeks back, been reading them trying to get a few tips and guidance. I think it is helping, which is a good thing. Now must re-drill Public affair key terms into my little head. Diagrams for every term, all colour coded, arrows shooting across the page, but information is only dripping in slowly-ever so slowly.

A bit of it every day should be able to store it before exam (fingers crossed). Writing some notes in shorthand as well to keep practising it. Must keep at the 60 words for the moment, until I get my concentration and focus sorted so i can tackle the 70 words per minute.

I wonder why I'm getting distracted? oh yes, but its not going on this page-not yet anyway.

Looking at next weeks timetable, plenty of things happening. Portsmouth full council meeting, been told a crossword puzzle would come in handy, best take my ipod as well. Crown court visit, Ooo exciting stuff, wonder what case or cases we'll get to hear about, and write up? Wonder if we're getting another paper out this week as well. That normally keeps us fairly busy.

Well, we'll have to see how the week pans out. :D

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