Monday, 30 November 2009

Whats with all this??

It was in the news today that British sailors are being held in Iranian custody because they accidentally floated into THEIR territory.

Really now this is not a game of battle ship. If our coast guard held their sailors who mistakenly drifted into our waters they would go ape sh*t! First it was our navy, now civilians. how would you find for the lines that divide the boundaries in WATER? The Iranian's could do a loony toons and measure out rope to enclose and identify their space.

Then there is still the pending and rather pressing case of the couple who were leisurely sailing around and have be taken by Somali Pirates! The captures have demanded for a large sum of money-taking into account exchange rate and everything, they are going to be minted!-if they get the money. But what are they exactly going to do with it?

Border controls everywhere are going to be alert after seeing their mugs on the video they released, holding guns to the victims, so cant really go travelling, they can build a mansion but they wont live with each other because pirates don't trust each-well i wouldn't would you??

Where did they get the guns?? Where did they get their sailing vessel ?The mind boggles. What has come of that case? I hope those people are ok. Cannot imagine what they must be going through, being held by strange, psycho people; both in Somalia and in Iran.

To add, more troops have been pledged by Brown for duty in Afghanistan. I have been absolutely against the War despite of what happened on 911. There has already been a fire, going to war in mind felt like someone was pouring more paraffin to the fire.

Hence, i believe that it has led to more terror; The world has become an extremely dangerous place. But the little good that does shine through the community, among friends and family, everywhere, helps get us through most things in my opinion.

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