Monday, 23 November 2009

Interests and hobbies

It is hard to plan time, more so if you are absolutely busy with various different things to do or even want to do.

But there should always be time spared to do the things that keep you sane- for much of a better word. I love going to stage productions, the movies just simple activities that takes me away from the whirpool of work i sink myself into every day and every minute of each day.

I keep busy for certain reasons only very close people know about. But in a good way. I've a memory a bit like an elephant really, i just absorb information and store it. Sometimes i know randoms things that most people wouldnt have a clue about. I'm always good for useless information, if there was a need for it.

I definitely have time for leisure, no matter what i'm up to, if i said i'll do something i will do it. In recent months, just being a zombie infront of my laptop as become rather a norm. I do like reading. Any genre and author, although my favourite author is Agatha Christie.

I tend to draw cartoons and randoms sketches when i'm tired, bored or distracted from what i'm doing. I do miss my bicycle. used to ride it around the town, lack of space where i'm currently staying has seen my bike locked in my dad's shed up in Cambridgeshire.

I feel like i've also become, somewhat of a vagrant- i feel like it- when I'm bored of sitting infront of a screen be it television or computer, i hope on a bus, dont care which one and just get lost.
I like going to these new areas, i'd probably not see if i had a car. just for fun i must say, my own real life puzzle-strange i know. but all links with the fact that i like travelling.

Well i think i have digressed far too much now, be back with more sad ramblings later. hehehehe (Smiley Face) X

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