Monday, 30 November 2009

Whats with all this??

It was in the news today that British sailors are being held in Iranian custody because they accidentally floated into THEIR territory.

Really now this is not a game of battle ship. If our coast guard held their sailors who mistakenly drifted into our waters they would go ape sh*t! First it was our navy, now civilians. how would you find for the lines that divide the boundaries in WATER? The Iranian's could do a loony toons and measure out rope to enclose and identify their space.

Then there is still the pending and rather pressing case of the couple who were leisurely sailing around and have be taken by Somali Pirates! The captures have demanded for a large sum of money-taking into account exchange rate and everything, they are going to be minted!-if they get the money. But what are they exactly going to do with it?

Border controls everywhere are going to be alert after seeing their mugs on the video they released, holding guns to the victims, so cant really go travelling, they can build a mansion but they wont live with each other because pirates don't trust each-well i wouldn't would you??

Where did they get the guns?? Where did they get their sailing vessel ?The mind boggles. What has come of that case? I hope those people are ok. Cannot imagine what they must be going through, being held by strange, psycho people; both in Somalia and in Iran.

To add, more troops have been pledged by Brown for duty in Afghanistan. I have been absolutely against the War despite of what happened on 911. There has already been a fire, going to war in mind felt like someone was pouring more paraffin to the fire.

Hence, i believe that it has led to more terror; The world has become an extremely dangerous place. But the little good that does shine through the community, among friends and family, everywhere, helps get us through most things in my opinion.

Friday, 27 November 2009

A 'sloth's' story

8pm on a Friday evening. Laughing my silly head off catching up with the new series of top gear on iplayer. Was going to have pizza and chips, changed my mind when i saw the fish fingers in the freezer!

Its not very exciting i admit, but its therapeutic not to do much after such a busy week; although deep down i do actually just want to go out. Mind you talking about the week, it has flown by, i must have blinked-its gone!

Another one of my FAVOURITE series-Merlin, catching up on that after Garrow's Law. Yup there is a theme building here, its all BBC productions. I do love 'em all. They are really good productions, I like the magical, mythical story line in Merlin, the intriguing case history in Garrow's Law and Top gear its good for car info and comedy from JC, RH and JM!

Being a 'slob' this evening in front of the laptop, tomorrow is another day. I have plenty to do at the radio station, as usual, love it!

mmm... I don't seem to be sounding like my funny self on this page at the moment, my brain is not functioning that well I finks-see misspelled that, wires are not connected properly. I have to stop referring to myself all the time in this blog, so pretentious of me! (cheeky grin) Hahaha that's better a bit of humour to keep the smile on the faces of all those who 'unfortunately' choose to read this.

TTFN fellow followers be back with more verbal D's later

Wednesday, 25 November 2009

droopy eyes...

Well its mid week already, soon it'll be early weekend for some. For those like myself, we'll be slaving away on some sort of work. I knew it was going to be challenging-I like a good challenge-but do need some time to get some air!

Moaning over, this is good though. I work best when thrown in the deep end. Talking about deep end's( puns aside ) we had to write up a report on the council meeting we went to yesterday it was a joke! These people, sit there and procrastinate about everything and nothing really.

They do like the sound of their own voice! if i didn't censor myself so much because of my broadcasting and newspaper journalist background this page would be blue with obscenity's!

6 hours and 45 minutes! to deliberate on one item on the agenda, ridiculous! For our sins in a previous life, we had to rush back home, starving and "dieing" of de-hydration, we had to write an article on it. Had way too many quotes. I have a feeling they were putting on a show for us in the public gallery.

oh well i have had a rant about the council, that's load of my mind.

Tomorrow Crown court visit, that should be interesting, another tight deadline for our NCTJ portfolio. Anything to do with law, I'm all ears.

Work load aside for the moment, i finally get a day to go back up to North Hampshire to see daddy and my best mate. She is dragging me back to try on bridesmaid dress and meet the other 2 bridesmaids. At least is something different to do on a Sunday.

I do love the dress she picked out for us -gorgeous. And I haven't seen daddy in weeks so be good to catch up with him. Try not to fleece him for anything-shopping wise- but can't gurantee, I am a girl and shopping is an addiction (smiley face) hehehehe. Nah i wont really.

Hmm, nothing too exiciting for the moment. I am wishing for something else to happen but I will have to remain paitient-for the mean time.

Monday, 23 November 2009

Interests and hobbies

It is hard to plan time, more so if you are absolutely busy with various different things to do or even want to do.

But there should always be time spared to do the things that keep you sane- for much of a better word. I love going to stage productions, the movies just simple activities that takes me away from the whirpool of work i sink myself into every day and every minute of each day.

I keep busy for certain reasons only very close people know about. But in a good way. I've a memory a bit like an elephant really, i just absorb information and store it. Sometimes i know randoms things that most people wouldnt have a clue about. I'm always good for useless information, if there was a need for it.

I definitely have time for leisure, no matter what i'm up to, if i said i'll do something i will do it. In recent months, just being a zombie infront of my laptop as become rather a norm. I do like reading. Any genre and author, although my favourite author is Agatha Christie.

I tend to draw cartoons and randoms sketches when i'm tired, bored or distracted from what i'm doing. I do miss my bicycle. used to ride it around the town, lack of space where i'm currently staying has seen my bike locked in my dad's shed up in Cambridgeshire.

I feel like i've also become, somewhat of a vagrant- i feel like it- when I'm bored of sitting infront of a screen be it television or computer, i hope on a bus, dont care which one and just get lost.
I like going to these new areas, i'd probably not see if i had a car. just for fun i must say, my own real life puzzle-strange i know. but all links with the fact that i like travelling.

Well i think i have digressed far too much now, be back with more sad ramblings later. hehehehe (Smiley Face) X

Sunday, 22 November 2009

Whizzing weekend

Another weekend is coming to an end. What productive things have I done? Hmm well, Saturday's i'm at Delta Radio, where I'm a Production Assistant on the sports show. I write scripts, keeps me writing, I get to read a couple scripts live on air in the course of the show.

I love that, not that I like hearing my voice what-so-ever, but just being able to read what I have writtern, with a seal of approval from the producer (it must be good, decent for airwaves). Makes me feel I have achieved something.

I was also really pleased that a TV nostalgia article i wrote got into the local paper (Portsmouth News) last week. It was only a small column, but an achievement non the less. For an assignment, we were given a past newswriting exam to do. A time exercise. I got the results back in the week, to my surprise I passed. 55%, just a pass, but when I was expecting not to do so well, it did come as a shock. I realise my mistakes now, so a massive improvement is needed to get a decent grade B at least.

I have books on writing that I borrowed from the library, couple weeks back, been reading them trying to get a few tips and guidance. I think it is helping, which is a good thing. Now must re-drill Public affair key terms into my little head. Diagrams for every term, all colour coded, arrows shooting across the page, but information is only dripping in slowly-ever so slowly.

A bit of it every day should be able to store it before exam (fingers crossed). Writing some notes in shorthand as well to keep practising it. Must keep at the 60 words for the moment, until I get my concentration and focus sorted so i can tackle the 70 words per minute.

I wonder why I'm getting distracted? oh yes, but its not going on this page-not yet anyway.

Looking at next weeks timetable, plenty of things happening. Portsmouth full council meeting, been told a crossword puzzle would come in handy, best take my ipod as well. Crown court visit, Ooo exciting stuff, wonder what case or cases we'll get to hear about, and write up? Wonder if we're getting another paper out this week as well. That normally keeps us fairly busy.

Well, we'll have to see how the week pans out. :D

Friday, 20 November 2009

Life of a trainee journalist

Well, where shall I begin? Another week is over, yet again. Time just flies when you least expect it. But when you're not doing anything, it drags, good GOD does it drag. This morning, we had our weekly assessment for shorthand. I am very proud of myself, having started on the subject much later than my friends; I can do 50 maybe if it’s a good passage 60 words per minute.
Having said that, I don't think I was at my best today. I live in student accommodation on college grounds. As part of a health and safety drill, they decided to do a mock fire alarm test at 5.30 am! Going to bed at 1am did not help, and the worst thing was that I was down in the cold in my PJs!

But I felt better afterwards knowing the alarm is working. We also had an interesting law session today. I like law; it is a subject I’m very interested in, I’m constantly watching the news, reading the papers and applying all the knowledge from the subject.

Public affairs, is not the most engaging of subjects, nothing to do with lectures, it’s the subject itself. What is the point of the people in Local Government? But they are a great source of ridicule and stories, so hey they’re keeping us in business, so “carry on bungling councillors!”

I do enjoy what we are doing. As the course goes on I find myself getting more able to conduct a better interview and also be brave enough to ask those tough questions.

Next step is getting my writing up to scratch. I must try and stop fiddling with my blackberry every two seconds! It is a cool gadget, I am easily distracted. My nosiness is further fuelled with online updates on my phone, which is good to keep up with the world, need to be if I am going to be a successive journalist.