The trip was all the more special for mum being there, as I rarely see her- because she lives in Singapore. Girls just wanna have fun! And boy did we! We arrived in Paris in the wee hours of the morning-British time 6am, French time 7am.
My knowledge of French, is limited and fairly basic, mum's non-existence. I can read French, holding a conversation, however, err let's not go there. So it fell upon me to be the Navi. As soon as we got there, we weren't disappointed, started our holiday travelling on the metro to our hotel, a street musician boards the the train looking to make a quick euro by waking up the morning commuters.
Not the best idea in my opinion trying to wake up a bunch sleepy French people, needless to say he went away without a cent. He'd earn a bit more if he sold
coffee instead.

Our hotel was located in the an area called Monmarte. It was a beautiful , hilly location with historic buildings dotted around the area. It's main attraction was the Basilica Monmarte., a uniquely designed catholic church with a stunning view of the city.
Another first, we had our portraits drawn by a couple lovely street artists.
We stood there with in the lovely sunshine, down a cobbled alley way beside Monmarte church. They were every so sweet and funny and me being me, asking loads of questions. The guy who drew my picture- Andy, was a native to the district. his grandfather used to own the restaurant that was behind us. The guy who drew mum's picture- Boris, a Russian friend of Andy's and they work together getting a few euros to get by as artists. I admire them for doing what the want, and I personally thought they were good.
Mum and strolled off with our pencil sketches and merged back into the tourist crowds. Souvenirs shops, wandering the ancient pavements and side streets. Pungent metro stations and back to our hotel rooms, worn out but not defeated-yet. We'd drop the shopping bags in our room and head for the cafe for some drinks and food. It was during our midnight stroll,
I found out that my mum was better at finding the way back than I was..
Mum and strolled off with our pencil sketches and merged back into the tourist crowds. Souvenirs shops, wandering the ancient pavements and side streets. Pungent metro stations and back to our hotel rooms, worn out but not defeated-yet. We'd drop the shopping bags in our room and head for the cafe for some drinks and food. It was during our midnight stroll,
I found out that my mum was better at finding the way back than I was..
I'd say that was a brilliant getaway. Paris was fun! London's still my favourite city! Wink wink nudge nudge aye! I dare say some French might find the Brits interesting?! If this union jack topped red bently is anything to go by!
Sounds like you had a great time! But don't lie about the red light district now...you're partly an 'Essex girl' so you like that sorta thing, right? haha :)