When I go around on my mini trips more often than not it happens to be London or the South from where I have just moved away, I take pictures on my trusty blackberry. I'm not a professional like some of my dear friends, who have a real eye for a good/great picture.
But I'm not bad-even though i say so myself-in framing and capturing a good picture. I find pictures fascinating, they are the documented proof i feel of our daily lives.
I was listening to the radio-to keep up with the current affairs and nourish my starved brain of some knowledge, an interesting fact cropped up about our memory and how the brain tends to 'delete' memories to accommodate the new memory one would have just acquired.
Its not an entirely proven fact, but was very interesting to listen to. Not sure it will explain, short term memory loss, but its definitely a good excuse to keep under the hat when I forget something!
Somehow that fact

seemed to validate my obsession of taking random photographs. This picture is one of mine and a recent favourite! I was standing out the Tate gallery about to walk towards the tube station when I thought 'this looks like a great shot'.
There are more randoms ones. I'm sometimes told off by a really good friend of mine, for taking pictures of sign boards! Well my reasoning behind that is so the viewer-apart from myself can Geo- position themselves-mentally- to give them a feel that they are ACTUALLY there.
Besides its for my memory, to remember where I have been- Hehehe. I think its important, especially with more study and revelations that more people are being diagnosed with dementia-scary thought to lose someone that way. not to remember anything-eeks :s
There have been some sad episodes in my life, and thanks to the pictures I had taken prior to those events, I have captured forever that memory and whatever happiness there was. So the camera, in my opinion, the best invention ever.
Before that, the amazing portrait painters-some excellent examples are housed in the National Portrait gallery-so life like-forget HD! they didn't need that in the 17th-18th century. Wish I could paint like that.
Well at least I can draw comic characters-that'll do for me doodling.
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