Tuesday, 14 September 2010

Eye Candy, and Eye No No

I'm a fairly active individual, have been most of my life. I was the sporty one in school, but it has been a while since I last went to the gym mainly because I was busy anyway, with uni, work, volunteer stuff and more work, so never really found the time or the money to join one.

Last week, I met up with a really good friend of mine. Like girls do when we get together, started yapping away about this that and the other, catching up on things we've been up to, spot of lunch and we carried on talking when she mentioned about needing to go to the gym that afternoon and said she has a membership and could, therefore, sign up a couple of friends for a free 7 day trial at the gym. I thought, being the workaholic I am, it would be a great idea to keep busy and get more exercise.

Now, I haven't been to a gym since secondary school days, and even then we used the school gym in the afternoons. I turned up at this gym near the centre of Cambridge (can't mention which one, but as I've already given away the location, those familiar with the area would kind of know), a rep meets and greets me, shows me around the facilities.

After the tour, I'm all excited and looking forward to a work out and getting fit and that, so the rep shows me to the ladies changing room. I hadn't actually noticed the other ladies until after the rep left. I turned around to find some semi, some completely stark naked women- MIDDLE aged (and senior!!) women. I plonked onto the wooden bench, shocked and scared as I saw what was yet to come in life! -If I absolutely neglected my body.

I shouldn't make fun, it's not PC (blah blah blah), I know I know, but to quote the famous phrase from 'Catchphrase'- "say what you see!"

I quickly changed, it was a personal best, trust me I couldn't move fast enough to get up to the all the exercise equipments. As soon as I sprinted to the 'fitness room' I got straight on to the treadmill, and thank heavens they were situated near the men's work out gallery. Ahhh... it was like having an ice cream after a nasty injection.

Needless to say I stayed working out on the various machines, toning and "sight seeing" and more working out, flicking my hair, wiping the beads of sweat (not all from working out!). I won't traumatise you by saying what I saw afterwards when I had enough exercise for one day, I'll leave you to your imagination.