Friday, 23 April 2010

New Beginnings

This has truly been the month for new events, to steal the slogan made famous by President Obama, 'Time for Change'. Incidentally the Tories have also stolen that catch phrase for their tough election campaign.

I love the month of April. It is a very bias comment, as I 'm bound to say that having been born in this month. But it is lovely; Spring is well truly blooming, the sun's rays burning away the lingering signs of winter. Personally, life has been marvellous! My family are doing well, we're happy and moving forward with what we want to do and supporting each other every step of the way.

Must say the good weather is most certainly bringing unexpected surprises. I have secured work experiences at several places, moving around the country seeing new things meeting new people.

Absolutely fabulous. Next stop middle of Suffolk and Gloucestershire, which should be exciting. I have had excellent news with some applications on the job front. I do have loads of social events planned that is going to increase my list of experience and contacts, among other casual outings with friends and family. April has kept me rather busy and I think the months ahead are going to be as equally eventful, which is excellent news for me.

Just reading back, the title is very apt for the coming election too. There are new things expected to come out of this highly unpredictable election. I so want to witness a hung parliament situation; not only would it be hilarious but just want to see how the ministers will deal with it!

Party Leaders look fearful and sound semi sure of what they ARE going to do and what IS going to happen in the coming weeks and even after the elections. I've never seen so many bald nails on all the leaders fingers! I bet secretly in a little dungeon/ padded cell, Tony Blair is sat in front of his big HD TV watching the debates on the various channels with his glass of whisky or whatever 'Poison' he drinks, chuckling at all of them especially poor Gordon, his old mucker!

We shall have to wait and see how this 'comedy' sketch pans out. In the mean time, I'm going to just enjoy my yummy cookie flavoured ice cream in the garden.

Wednesday, 7 April 2010

In the news this week....

Trawling through the pages of news online, I found myself chuckling at a couple of headlines. One, although not immediately funny, as you read the story it clearly has comedy scene written all over it. The line read 'Woman caught after trying to smuggle a body on plane', and as you read the article, it turns out an elderly relative had died while travelling with them and instead of reporting to the local authorities here, the woman tried to wheel him through customs and put sunglasses on him to cover the fact that he was dead!

Bless the German woman, she ought to have known better than to use SUNGLASSES in rainy England as a disguise! Excuse the pun, but that in itself is a dead give away. Reading the story, sure sounded like something out of a film.

Funny news is not always home bound, the Aussies have a fair few nutters to boast about too.
The inmates figured that, they were already inside doing time, a bit more couldn't hardly make a difference. All for a dish we take for granted- A Pizza!

I would love to have seen this happening for myself!

How could have they possibly done it? Came in, in the shadow of darkness, with masks to cover their identity and held a knife to the man did they?? Haha :D

With all the buzz about the election, something out of the ordinary sure puts a smile on even the stressed out politicians. Talking about election coverage, I cant wait for the analogies and the ways the media are going to try to make the coverage of the election simple and understandable for the benefit of the public watching.