I'm sure this month is slipping faster from our grips than usual; It is always the case when you're enjoying yourself.
I guess this maybe one of the last posts for 2009, and I'm trying to make it as poignant and philosophical as possible (even though I'm usually neither!)
Music and Hollywood has been dealt with the blow of several stars passing; MJ, Farah Fawcett and recently Brittany Murphy. Personally, I've had trials and tribulations of my own to deal with, as have some dear friends.
There have been good times in between everything; Like ketchup in a burger! it's moments like that which keeps us sane, thankfully!
Immersing myself in what I want to do in life, making new friends, pursing a career in the media industry. One more little hurdle completing journalism training, be well on my way and actually full use of my degree soon.
What can we expect for 2010? A secure job would be nice for starters. Squeeze in a bit more travelling, within the country, there are a lot more places yet to be explored. Oo getting up to Scotland would be a good one for the travelling list.
I have some vague plans and rouge ideas when it comes to jobs whilst looking for something permanent. Its good to have a few lines on tap, can't keep all your eggs in one basket now can I?
When it boils down to it all, I suppose I'm a bit of a believer in that everything happens for a reason-to a certain extent, the rest is down to the choices one makes in life. So fingers crossed, I have enough sense to see through another year and make relatively decent choices along the way.
For the most part, the enjoyment of the present is essential. Life is for enjoying regardless of the obstacles that may be thrown at us from time to time. If there is one thing that I have learnt from my elders, try to put yourself first, if you can stand on your own two feet, its only than when you will be capable to help others.
So 2010, a nice round number, a decade into the millennium and it too, I'm sure will go by like grease lightning. Got another list of 'Do to' things at the ready and a pocket full of bright ideas, most if which will go with the wind, like going to the gym for starters (Big Cheeky grin)
Hopefully next Christmas i would have some money to do something nice with my family, instead of just a sweet, cheap card from the nearest pound shop.
But hey, all is good. Can't and shouldn't really complain. Be thankful for what we have and live a contented life, anything more is a plus and if you want more -EARN IT!
See you in the new year!